Tomato Goes back to Skool 
Visualised by archtomato On Tuesday, May 30, 2006 at 13:05 Hrs | Minimum B.S.

Ok ok,

I am confused. Due to a set of myriad reasons it seems like i have to take the part time route for my undergraduate courses. I would like to however, find out from anyone if NUS or maybe even NTU offers part time courses for Degrees in Computing or Comp Engineering.
I cant seem to source out from the damn websites they have and i seem to be getting even lesser from the students they breed.
ps: NUS students should be Decapitated and then sent back to school
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No Tomatoes Squashed   •  Throw a Tomato  •  Category: Ageless 
Downtime Notice 
Visualised by archtomato On Sunday, May 28, 2006 at 7:16 Hrs | Minimum B.S.
Dear Readers,
We have been experiencing downtime in out servers for the majority or last night and this morning. We would like to thank all readers who have sent us emails highlighting us of this problem.

The flaw has been isolated to out servers in the southern US from 270506 GMT(8+) 2300hrs to 280506 GMT(8+) 1500hrs. 

We have received word that due to a power shortage, the servers had been offline. Since then, we have been working round the clock and have succeeded in activating our alternative backup servers located in Swiss Alps.

All operations have been reverted back to normal. Any inconvenience caused is greatly regretted and thank you for spending time with us.

With regards,
No Tomatoes Squashed   •  Throw a Tomato  •  Category: Ageless 
Visualised by archtomato On Friday, May 26, 2006 at 11:19 Hrs | Minimum B.S.

Ok ok,

Work has been frantic for the past 2 weeks. Haven had the time to idle in MSN and watch “Russell Peters” from youtube . The guys and me had to test and prepare abt 80 Dell laptops for mass deployment to out clients. A tragic and laborious task


      Laptop Beta Testing                                   Laptops Awaiting my touch


             My Work Space

So, i figured i go get coffee for everyone to ward off the z-monster. Zoooom .. to the vending machine. When i get the cup of coffee, the damn thing is infested with ants. The damn things have a nest inside the vending machine. There goes coffee break. So anyway the damn things been down for a week now and we have to go long distance for coffee.

I have applied for a plot of land beside the office to grow coffee plants and and built a small brewery to make em into powder. So don’t be surprised to see "Tomato’s Gold Roast" in the market in the near future.


ps: Should start drinking Green Tea.

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No Tomatoes Squashed   •  Throw a Tomato  •  Category: Ageless 
Visualised by archtomato On Thursday, May 25, 2006 at 1:11 Hrs | Minimum B.S.

Hi folks,

As you can see things are a little different at A auspicious theme for a auspicious event. As most of you know, the World cup is going to come knocking on our doors real soon.

The world is gearing for the event.

Tourism in Germany is going to peak and merchandising the world all over is going to hit a all time high. Governments will be smiling and policemen will be frowning. My lucky bastard of a colleague will be going in a 3 weeks block leave.

So i decided to get in the mood and have sort of experimented with a new World Cup Theme. More improvements will be added along the way and the full release will be before the world cup. I am also toying with the idea of providing daily results on top of publishing my articles. I am still undecided on which document type to use for my results. Maybe you folks can help me with that.
I would like to dedicate this theme to …
– My dog Bill
Alee, he shut entertaining blog down
Bus Driver for the diff theme idea (" Though no pink fonts and orange ribbons")
Omni Chups for her wedding
– And ya, World Peace
ps: I hope Spain goes on to the final four, but then again Spain never does.?
ps2: Taylor Hicks wins this round of American Idol.
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2 Tomatoes Squashed   •  Throw a Tomato  •  Category: Ageless 
Visualised by archtomato On Monday, May 22, 2006 at 13:14 Hrs | Minimum B.S.

Ok ok,

Disclaimer: The following is purely based on the author’s research and personal thoughts. These findings have not been approved by any leading psychiatric body. This article is a philosophical launch pad for the author who is thinking of publishing a book. You have a choice not to read this. Plagiarism is a sin. Parental Guidance is advised.

What are rules and why do they even exist? Who came up with them and what for? I believe these are a couple of questions I’m sure all of us will ponder at least once in our lonely existence.

Rules are meant to be broken. I have heard this old adage being used to death many many times. So is it true than. Are rules really expandable and are they worth breaking.

Some claim rules are akin to quick sand.
It traps you.
The more u struggle the more u freeze.
You try to fight back.
You try to adapt.
But you start making a mistake.
Then another.
And another.
Till you cannot breathe.
Like Quicksand.

I’m sure some of us think rules were whipped up by bored old farts who take too much sugar for their own good, that rules were simply a means to leash us and make us dance to a desolate tune that we had neither or envisioned nor orchestrated. Everything exists in parallels. Light and Darkness … Yin and Yang, Life and Death. Even a piece of paper has 2 sides. Galileo did say that life exist in perfect symmetry.

So it got me thinking .. could these rules that we tirelessly fight be actually a means to help us? To guide us? To sustain us? Could our ignorance be the reason we hate rules? The mind fights what it deems illogical, what it deems irrelevant and fights to propagate towards an opposite.

Although the mind is beautiful, it is by no means perfect. Its erratic, far too much erratic. Without the mind, there is no body, and without the body, no life. Could rules actually be the meas to protect the mind to ensure our survival?

I leave you with the adage, "What doesn’t kill you, only makes u stronger".
ps: Kind of gloomy don’t you think?
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No Tomatoes Squashed   •  Throw a Tomato  •  Category: Ageless 
Where are you really from? 
Visualised by archtomato On Saturday, May 20, 2006 at 14:19 Hrs | Minimum B.S.

Ok ok,

I was doing some analysis about the globalization of the products that my company introduces recently when it struck me as to how much this phenomena is influencing most of our lives these days. Of course, it also depends on how "open" the country you live in is with regards to trade with other countries, but generally, it is quite interesting. Ever thought about it? Here goes my version:

  • I wake up in the morning from a mattress made in China, which is under a cover made in Sweden.
  • I brush with a toothbrush made in Sweden and using a toothpaste made in Malaysia.
  • The teabags I use in the office are made in Sri Lanka, the breakfast bread in Singapore, the butter in Thailand and the jam in Malaysia.
  • My company car is Japanese and the office I work in is headquartered in the US
  • My Dell workstation is built in Penang and my 2.1 Speakers in Scotland. 
  • The lunch I eat is Indian, the evening coffee powder I use is Brazilian, with the biscuits made in Indonesia.
  • The TV I watch is made in Korea and the diet Pepsi I buy from the the "coffee shop uncle" below my apartment is made in Singapore.
  • The dinner I eat is sometimes Chinese, Malay, Thai or Western but mostly Indian and never Italian.
  • I ship my T-Shirts from Germany and my jeans is tailored in France.
  • My Phone is shipped from Finland and my earpiece from South Africa 
That’s already 17 countries in one day! Of course, there can be much more to add, but you get the picture! Think about your daily life similarly, and feel free to type it out in the comments section!
ps: I wish to own something from Timbuktu. 
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No Tomatoes Squashed   •  Throw a Tomato  •  Category: Ageless 
Defeated Opinions – The Writer’s Block Series 
Visualised by archtomato On Friday, May 12, 2006 at 16:00 Hrs | Minimum B.S.

Ok ok,

I’m sure my avid readers have been absolutely devastated at my lack of posting of late.

Truth be told, between general life busyness, travel, and bouts of insomnia (I know, insomnia should add to the posting, not detract from it), I just haven’t had a lot of time left open for posting. Added to this has been my general weariness with world events, and the fact that the baby next door doesn’t want to shut its mouth.

It is not that I lack opinions on the cartoon cacophony that has deafened both mass media and blogs these last few days, but in many ways I simply feel like everything that can be said has been said.

And then there’s Mission Impossible 3 in the cinemas. A textbook summer popcorn flick that will entertain while watching, but instantly forgettable and runs out of steam early in the 3rd act. While all the Mission plots are convoluted and slightly preposterous, the keyword in the title is "Impossible" and the latest is just this side of insultingly stupid. The only thing more boring than nothing happening in this movie is a lot of nothings happening. Could I be less passionate about a film that I liked?"
A certain country has left its political footprint largely untouched in its recently ended elections. The ruling hand of the nation still strikes you fast like lightning. A few million people also got free money, their money and i believe that should be noted here. Although political wranglers and my local baker seem to think there might be connections, i would like to keep my mouth shut. I might just end up being in a CCTV.
On to World affairs. The Middle East still has no shortage of problems, war and suffering, and oil for that matter. Iran has decided to promote world peace and do us all a favour by trying to be a nuke baddie. Colombo still burns … occasionally. The Americans still think Bush is a genius. And the Chinese? Who the hell knows what they are up to.
The Aussies are still sour about the recent but done with death sentence of one of their citizen for drug trafficking. The Aussies are refusing to grant Singapore Airlines the trans pacific route to aid in its bid to become and global carrier. It seems the death of the jackass martyr has strained a few nerves. And Steve Irwin is still trying to talk to crocodiles. Lets pray he does succeed. That way he won’t bore us with his shows.
I would like to question many issues both globally and locally – Growing Oil prices, Continuing Pandemics, an authoritarian political systems, Lousy American idol winners, Inaccurate weather reports are just some of them. Add these to the fact that i actually have to go to work every Monday, and I just feel a little overwhelmed.
Nor is the first time, either that I have felt overwhelmed or that I have had to step back from news consumption simply because I had to give my mind a break. It is difficult being in a position of so little power with so great an inclination to make a difference.
ps: I might call in sick this coming monday. That should help to tide me over the blues.
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No Tomatoes Squashed   •  Throw a Tomato  •  Category: Ageless 
The Fan of Life 
Visualised by archtomato On Saturday, May 6, 2006 at 3:57 Hrs | Minimum B.S.

Ok ok,

I’m a baseball fan. I have always been a baseball fan. Its a fragile game that contains many subtle complex variations. Many of you may not be all that familiar with the difference between a slider, a curve ball or a change-up. To sum them all up, they are all designed to do one thing – throw the batter off his or her game – get them out of their rhythm so they swing and miss.

It can be a challenge to be someone who doesn’t deal well with surprise. In life, often the unexpected is thrown our way. A slow fade here, a curve ball there. Just when we think we’ve got the game under control, we know what to expect, a pitch comes along that completely throws us out of our rhythm and sends us swinging at air.

That’s the reason I’m a fan. You never know what’s going to be thrown at you and I cherish adjusting to the unexpected. I’m not a person who likes things to go straight down the line, across the center of the plate, nice and predictable. Rather i like surprises, i live for the moments, the moment between the throw and the swing. The brink between breathes.

To me, as with baseball, Life is not about the destination, its about the journey.

ps: Nearly squished my left eye when i got hit by a baseball.
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No Tomatoes Squashed   •  Throw a Tomato  •  Category: Ageless 

Fact File

Archtomato . OxyMoron .
Laughing at Gilded Butterflies

Archtomato works in the IT security industry and has managed to convince his bosses for the past 10 years that his best work is yet to come.

Archtomato is a coffee nut, a photographer without focus, a traveler who can't read maps, a diver who floats all too easily and a champion of world peace.

He is an avid practitioner of the dark side of the force; admires Chuck Norris, Paris Hilton and collects vintage Batman comics. Just like the Horizon, Time Dilation, Flying pigs, Tax Reliefs and possibly, the "Opposition", he believes he is more of a concept than a corporeal being.

Archtomato believes that the true nature of man is decided in the battle between the conscious mind and the desires of the subconscious and that the evil of man's subconscious is often too strong to resist. The only way to win is to deny it battle.

He now lives in a world of pollution, profanity, adolescence, smelly beavers, zits, herpes, broccoli, racism, ozone depletion, sexism, conscription, yellow bananas, stupid people, nightmares, dog whisperers,Gamma Ray Bursts, Nuke Baddies and sings badly but regularly in the bathroom.

 Tomatoes were sacrificed in the making of this website, contents and for the continual existence of its owner.

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Still going strong in an inane work full of Ozone Depletion, Data Breaches, Chuck Norris, Tough Cookies, Mangy Dogs, Zits, Scurvy, Ninjas, Racism, Pollution, Herpes, Festivus , Broccoli, Mimes, Ghost Whisperer, Smelly Beavers, Petya, Donald Trump, Adolescence, Gravity, Pin Worms, Maths, Black Holes, Jedis, Cuban Cigars, Quick Sand, Methamphetamie, Ransomware and Nuke Baddies.® reserves the full rights to all materials found on this domain. All works are commisioned and owned by®, unless explicitly stated and are protected by international copyright laws.® shall not be held liable should these materials be distributed without the explicit written permission of®. Not Suitable for Dummies, Feminists, Animal Rights Activists, Scientologists and Dead People. Powered by 125% Freshly Locally Squeezed Tomato Juice. © 2005-2019. All Rights Reserved.