Lord Voldemort 
Visualised by archtomato On Tuesday, October 11, 2005 at 4:55 Hrs | Minimum B.S.

It has been bugging me a while.

I am a avid and vivid and riveted hardcore fantasy reader. I read fantasy when im hungry, when i want to throw up and importantly, when i cannot find a reason for my exhaulted existence.

Well, there is this Lord Voldemort in the all too famous Harry potter series. And i think this guy is a serious cliche for a bad dude.

1. He exists outside death and his greatest foe is a short/lame dude – like Sauron from     Lotr

2. He is a sick bastard who has no frens and love torture – like darken Rahl from Sword     of truth series

3. He Knows more about anything more than anybody but fail to grasp simple concept –     Like Shaitaan from Wheel of time

So i say you, people of the book, who think this Lord Voldemort is scary and wonderful, i assure you, he is not. He is but a hastily and shabbily designed villian lifted off the imgaination of many others.

ps: The Hobbits is lord of the ring are the sickest people i know


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This entry was posted on Tuesday, October 11th, 2005 at 4:55 am and is filed under Ageless. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

5 Tomatoes thrown at Article: “Lord Voldemort”
  1. My mother my hero says:

    I know, I was bit disappointed with his past when it was revealed in HBP. I find Snape much more interseting.

  2. Doc Badger says:

    Did you catch the nice little touch that his name is a combination of German(saxon) and French (norman). Vol = full or filled and deMort = of death. This just goes to prove that English is NOT actually a real language but just was something slung together so that Saxons, Normans, and oldBrits could talk together.

  3. Archtomato says:

    Intersting concept there Doc Badger.

    Never knew that fact actually till u highlighted it to me. I will start to do more research on the HP world.


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Archtomato believes that the true nature of man is decided in the battle between the conscious mind and the desires of the subconscious and that the evil of man's subconscious is often too strong to resist. The only way to win is to deny it battle.

He now lives in a world of pollution, profanity, adolescence, smelly beavers, zits, herpes, broccoli, racism, ozone depletion, sexism, conscription, yellow bananas, stupid people, nightmares, dog whisperers,Gamma Ray Bursts, Nuke Baddies and sings badly but regularly in the bathroom.

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